How to

Get access to the trillions and Do Good Business!

Become a leader in a field that will soon be common to businesses across all industries, anywhere in the world.
Earn your certificate and license to operate now.

For fast access

Here are quick links to courses, actions and certifications

Online Crash Course

your company

Online Certification Course

SDG Certification for Change Agents

Get started now

Hire a
Certified Change Agent

Do Good Business

Become a tribe


your business

Need more info?

Step 1

To help you we need to know if you are a

Consultant or Coach

SDG Certification to become a Change Agent

Become a leader in a field that will soon be common to businesses across all industries, anywhere in the world. Earn one of our certificates and license to operate now!


Education, implementation
and verification

Future proof your company by embedding sustainability into business strategy and make sure you get access to the $ 12 trillions of business opportunities!


To future proof your company we recommend you start with WHY and then integrate the SDGs in one of two ways.


Learn WHY

Start with a crash course that will clarify WHY it is imperative for you and your business to get SDG certified.

By future-proofing your business you will create more profitable business opportunities. Classroom based course.


Hire a consultant Change Agent

Hire one of our certified Business For SDGs ™ Change Agents. We have a network filled with coaches and consultants  who will assist you in integrating the SDGs into your business strategy. 



Internally educate a Change Agent

Send your co-worker to our
“train-the-trainer” education to become a Change Agent within sustainable business strategy. Start the process and transformation immediately.

Free online course

5 easy steps to Future-Proof your Company & make it sustainable!

Learn more about :

  • HOW the Sustainable Development Goals can bring business opportunities to your Company.
  • WHY they matter to your business.
  • WHAT the Sustainable Development Goals are.

After completing this free online course you have acquired a solid and fundamental knowledge of WHAT you need to do to Future Proof your Company!

This free online course will give you a solid and fundamental knowledge of WHAT you need to do to Future Proof your Company.

For whom: CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Change Leaders (Consultants and Coaches) Managers and Investors

Future proof your business

6 hours Online Crash course in how you Do Good Business with the SDGs!

You will learn why the Agenda 2030 is relevant for your business and how it can be applied in your organization and business.

This online classroom style course, will give you perspective on the $ 12 trillions business opportunities that exist within the Agenda 2030 per year and how you can Do Good Business with the SDGs.

We will also present in which sectors and market areas there is the greatest business potential.
This Crash Course is also found as a Keynote and in webinar format.

For whom: CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Change Leaders (Consultants and coaches) Managers and Investors

Next dates:  Sign up here on the waiting list.

Business For SDGs ™

Certification and licence for Change Agents

Business For SDGs ™ Program is an online course providing you with a working knowledge of how to use the SDGs as a tool to design business strategy around and how to embed the SDGs in business strategy.

Once your business is sustainable, great opportunities will follow. 

For whom: Consultants, Coaches and internally educated Change Leaders

Step 2

When you and your business understand and have implemented the SDGs

VERIFY your organization!

Verify your business

Integrating the SDGs into your business strategy is a choice, a choice that has many implications. But it is a choice that is increasingly recognized as a necessary condition for the delivery of long-term value, both to direct stakeholders and wider society.

Verify your sustainability work according to the Self-Declaration in IS026000 and maximize your contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. By doing so you become transparent and trustworthy, which strengthens your competitiveness and contributes to future proof your organisation. 

The verification is valid for one year. After a year we do an audit – to ensure you stay in business. 

Once your business is verified, business opportunities will follow. With knowledge and an extensive network, VATI of Sweden will guide you to new business opportunities around the globe. Register to be part of our network! 

It’s good for business and good for the World!

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"Future proof your business"​
Learn about the $ 12 trillions of business opportunities that exist within the Sustainable Development Goals.